Friday, January 9, 2009

A Chapter a Day

I suppose it is a late start on the New Year's Resolution but better late than never! You have noted, I'm sure, the following notice when you open this blog, "If you have time to read this blog today but have not taken the time to read your Bible then you do not have time to read this blog." There is nothing more important that reading God's Word. His direct revelation to us. His letter(s) to us. His guidance for us. His strength and power for us. The Bible. The Holy Scripture that people have died and bled for.

A chapter a day doesn't seem like much does it? I'll have more to say as we go along but starting today I'll post my reading for the day along with my thoughts. I'm not a theologian so nothing profound here. Just impressions, praises and thoughts on my reading for the day. We aren't going to be legalists about this. If you miss a day here and there that is fine. You don't even have to read anything in order, just pick a chapter. Just read! This is just a nice way to hold each other somewhat accountable.

Please join me. Post your comments on your reading for the day below mine. As Tim Challies says, "Do not feel that you can only say anything if you are going to say something that will wow us all." At the end of the year it will be nice to be able to look back and see how much God has blessed you with His Word.

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