Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sermon Notes – The Fate of Foolishness and Fools

The Fate of Foolishness and Fools , Proverbs 6:1-19
J. Josh Smith, MacArthur Boulevard Baptist Church, attended August 22, 2010

How careful we are to protect our children in some areas but not in other areas which are of greater danger. We are passionate about physical protection, rightly so, but not as passionate about spiritual protection. The father here knows the subtle danger. In the middle of three chapters of sexual immorality these verses seem out of place. He shows the consequences of foolishness and fools because he knows there are many other dangers like her.

The fate of foolishness – Proverbs 6:1-11

The father here is speaking to someone who fears the Lord. He knows the son made the right initial decision; it is still possible for his son to make foolish decisions however. The father wants him to walk constantly in wisdom so he won’t have to pay the consequences now – or later. In a moment of sin we could do something that will cost us the rest of our life as the consequences of sin are still there. The primary issue here then is not finances or laziness, they are just examples, but, rather, of falling into foolishness.

The son is one who fears the Lord, has chosen the way of wisdom, and is seeking to walk the way of wisdom. The fool is one who does not fear God, has chosen to walk the way of folly, and has no desire to walk the way of wisdom. In New Testament terms, the son is the one who has a genuine relationship with God through Christ, and the fool is the one who still lives in rebellion.

Surety – Proverbs 6:1-5

The son may have co-signed for someone he doesn’t even know. He didn’t use the wisdom of God for that decision; he may have even been doing it out of love. This decision could entrap him and keep him from walking the way of wisdom.

Foolishness often leads to further foolishness. Surety leads to not giving to God – further foolishness.

Laziness – Proverbs 6:6-11

A sluggard has no work and no ambition to work. We can learn from God’s creation. The ant is working for the present and for the future. Laziness is a sin to God.

He is saying that we should fear sin and run from it because we fear the consequences – and we fear God. Our destination will not change but we will pay the penalty.

It is still possible for a son to make foolish decisions. A believer, although he wants to walk with Christ and hates sin, is still tempted to sin and can fall into sin. Although that sin might not change he son’s ultimate destination, the consequences here on earth still remain. This is seen in the foolish use of money and the wasting of time.

The fate of the fool – Proverbs 6:12-19

He shows the way the fool feels about God and then the way God feels about the fool.

The way the fool feels about God - Proverbs 6:12-15

He is not grieved when he is outside the walk of wisdom. He thinks the greatest place of freedom is outside the authority of God. The broader way often does appear to have more freedom.

The fool is one who is rebellious toward God in his heart. He does not love God, nor desire God, nor is he grieved when he fails to follow God. He has external disregard for the way of God and an internal rebellion toward the things of God. God hates his actions, and the fool will pay for his actions.

Perverse means willing and determined to go against what is expected. It is a total disregard for the way and plan of God. He wants to lead others astray.

Proverbs 6:15 shows that one day all of his chances will be gone. This is the fate of the fool, also seen in Proverbs 29:1 and Romans 3:10-19.

It is an issue of the heart, not just activities.

The way God feels about the fool – Proverbs 6:16-19

Proverbs 6:16 is using a common literary technique to show the intensity of God’s hatred. It is not an exhaustive list.

haughty eyes” – an arrogant and proud heart that never looks down in shame because of sin. Never will their eyes look up to God for their only hope. A proud prayerlessness.

lying tongue” – a perverted speech.

hands that shed innocent blood” – what better description of abortion than this.

feet that make haste to run to evil” – a heart that isn’t aligned properly and thus behavior, their feet, follow.

God hates what he does. This calls us to love what God loves and hate what God hates. Do you hate the things that God hates? Are you passionately opposed to those things that God passionately opposes? There is no place for neutrality in these areas. These are the things that sent Jesus to the cross. Ask the Lord to give you the same loves and hates that He has.

We have a tendency to neuter God of His passion. We see His affections here. God hates sin. He hates a rebellious heart, an arrogant spirit, a mouth that speaks falsehood and spreads strife, and those who devise wicked and violent plans.

Are you running with spiritual scissors? Playing with spiritual fire?

NOTE: These are my notes, taken as I listened to the sermon live. Any errors, misunderstandings or misinterpretations are my responsibility entirely and not the fault of the preacher.

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