Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sermon Notes – Trust

Trust, Proverbs 3
J. Josh Smith, MacArthur Boulevard Baptist Church, attended July 11, 2010

This is one of the most memorable conversations between father and son. The father is imploring the son to walk in a matter worthy of his calling, and so we are to walk with Jesus.

One of the most familiar verses in the Bible is here in Proverbs 3:5-6. These words are to the Christian disciple what the wedding ceremony is to a newlywed. At the wedding ceremony vows are made, the terms of the relationship are set forth and a statement about what each intend to do for the rest of their lives is made. This text reminds us of our commitment to Christ and the expectations Christ has for us as we walk with Him. As at the wedding, what matters most is what you do with your wedding declaration. A lot of people make the declaration but the demonstration is proof.

Trust is proven by its demonstration, not its declaration.

The father knows this. He also knows that his son has “declared” but now needs to “demonstrate”. The righteous are not those who declare they are but those who demonstrate they are. We must learn to walk moment by moment in faith (Hebrews 11:6). This is a walk, not a one-time declaration. This text tells us how to live our vows.

1. Characteristics of trust – Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust Him entirely – “…with all your heart…” We will see later that “heart” is a reference to all that you are.

We trust Him in the same way we are commanded to love Him, i.e. with all our mind, soul and strength. With our mind means we recognize the truth of what He says and what He has promised. With our soul means we believe what we know with our mind. With our strength means we act on what we believe. You never find an example of faith in scripture that does not have some activity with it. Faith leads to activity. Abel “brought”, Noah “built” and Abraham “went”, their faith lead to action.

Trust Him exclusively – “…in the Lord…” Release our confidence in anything else. He never wants part of our allegiance. We have no confidence in our flesh (Philippians 3:2).

Trust Him exhaustively – “…in all your ways…” In everything you encounter, in every circumstance and in every situation.

Why do we seem to trust Him to save us from Hell but don’t seem to trust Him in our daily life? We can trust Him for our souls but we can’t trust Him for our days? We don’t trust ourselves for our salvation but we do trust ourselves in finances, marriage, work and parenting. You will do salvation His way but you don’t want to do finances, marriage, work and parenting His way? If He is gracious enough to forgive us our sins, He is gracious enough to help you in your finances, marriage, work and parenting. Seek Him in all of your ways.

Perhaps you are struggling in assurance of salvation. You wonder about “the moment” you got saved. You hear those who say if you don’t remember “that moment” then you may not know the Lord. Remember, you can’t base your salvation on something that you did, even if it is a prayer, a walk down an aisle or a talk with a pastor. If your assurance is based on a date then it is based on something you did. We have to be confident in what He did and not what we did! Assurance comes by trusting in the work of Christ, not relying on a date in your Bible or when your Mom told you did.

One of the main messages of the Bible is that you can trust God.

2. Hindrances to trust – Proverbs 3:5-10

There are three hindrances to trust:

Self – Proverbs 3:5, “…do not lean on your own understanding…” and Proverbs 3:7, “…do not be wise in your own eyes…”

If you lean on yourself you are leaning on the very person that needs to lean! You are leaning on a broken leg. Our understanding is broken. We elevate ourselves and lower God when we do this.

Proverbs 3:7 is explained by Proverbs 26:12. A fool never acknowledges His need for God.

Sin – Proverbs 3:7, “…turn from evil…”

Relying upon ourselves is sin, it is pride. The fear of God will kill self-reliance because is causes us to think correctly about God and think correctly about ourselves and living as if that is true.

Stuff – Proverbs 3:9

Stuff can help or hinder your trust in the Lord. Hold stuff loosely. When we release it we increase our faith. When we give our “firsts” we are trusting for more. The things we have often draw away our affections and attention. They distract us from the things of the Lord.

When we have lots of chariots (Psalms 20:7) it is hard to trust the Lord in battle. If you have less chariots than the other then you have to depend on the Lord.

3. Promises of trust – Proverbs 3:5-10

Refreshment – Proverbs 3:8. This is mental, spiritual and physical refreshment.

Provision – Proverbs 3:10. The wisdom of man does not say give first. God is overseeing your finances.

Guidance – Proverbs 3:6. The greatest of all the promises.

We still try the path of folly periodically; it is always a detour, a waste of time. In the path of wisdom God will keep you from the detours and obstacles. There will be pain and difficulty but you will not have to deal with the consequences of sin.

What is that area where you don’t trust the Lord? Give it to Him and trust Him (Psalms 37:5).

NOTE: These are my notes, taken as I listened to the sermon live. Any errors, misunderstandings or misinterpretations are my responsibility entirely and not the fault of the preacher.

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