Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sermon Notes – What If You Were Lost?

What If You Were Lost?, Acts 20:20
Dr. Bailey Smith, MacArthur Boulevard Baptist Church, attended April 18, 2010

A church that is always receiving but never telling becomes dead - like the Dead Sea. We shouldn’t be a reservoir of truth but a river of blessing.

“Followship”, not fellowship, is the most important thing. Our fellowship is often just an exercise in mutual mediocrity. We need “reckless evangelism”!

We need 20/20 vision from Acts 20:20.

If we could all go to hell for just five seconds we would all evangelize. We need to understand that we are like firemen. They may have a responsibility to cook at the firehouse but their job is to put out fires. They don’t stay and cook when there is a fire to put out.

1. What if you were lost and believers thought that the work of the church was done at the church?

Religion is man seeking God, Christianity is God seeking man. God left heaven to come to earth – we need to leave our living room.

2. What if you were lost and believers said they didn’t know how to witness?

You don’t tell your dad you can’t mow the lawn because it isn’t your gift. It is your duty to mow the lawn. It is the responsibility of every believer in Jesus Christ to know and communicate the Gospel.

3. What if you were lost and believers listened more to the devil than they do to Christ?

Don’t worry about disturbing people. Their house is on fire! They need to be disturbed or interrupted or inconvenienced. They need to know. We need laborers.

NOTE: These are my notes, taken as I listened to the sermon live. Any errors, misunderstandings or misinterpretations are my responsibility entirely and not the fault of the preacher.

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