Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sermon Notes - Oh, To Really Love Jesus!

Oh, To Really Love Jesus!, Mark 14:1-11
J. Josh Smith, MacArthur Boulevard Baptist Church, attended February 14, 2010

How is your love for Jesus? Not your study or your service, although those may be manifestations, but, your love for Jesus. Is it a reckless abandon, shout it from the street, can’t stop talking about Him kind of love? This text shows us one lady who really loves Jesus.

Those who hate Jesus – Mark 14:1-2

The religious leaders of the day hated Jesus. The light exposed the darkness of their wicked heart. They are trying to kill Him surreptitiously. They are cowards.

Jesus is not at Jerusalem where the religious leaders are. He is at Bethany in Simon the leper’s house. Simon was a leper, previously, they wouldn’t be at his house otherwise. One day he met Jesus, thus, he was a leper. Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were also there, with the disciples. They were away from the anger in Jerusalem enjoying themselves.

One who really loves Him – Mark 14:3-9

John 12 tells us it was Mary. This is the same Mary from Luke 10 where Martha was irritated at Mary for just sitting there to which Jesus replied that she should worship.

300 denari was equivalent to one year of salary. This was expensive perfume. It was stored in a vial so that only a little bit could come out at a time, as opposed to a vase where a lot may go to waste. She breaks the vial and pours it all on Jesus. This broken vial symbolizes a broken heart with the poured perfume showing us that she was giving all her love. Mary knew He was about to pour out His blood in love for her and forgiveness of her sins. She also knew He was the anointed one, the Messiah, from Psalm 92, thus she anointed Him. This was extravagant love, demonstrating that she believes He is supremely worthy.

Those who don’t hate Jesus – Mark 14:3-4

They ask why the perfume is wasted. Religious people make Mary feel shame for loving Him. They don’t hate Jesus but they don’t love Him. The church is filled with these.

1. They love to work but not worship – They are like Martha. They have a lot of knowledge but no affection. They don’t really know the Lord.

2. They believe everything done for Jesus should be reasonable and practical – Leave your job? Take your kids on a mission? The problem is that Christianity is not reasonable to unbelievers. Love is not reasonable.

3. They are always uncomfortable around those who love Jesus – They look down at their immaturity. They are thus full of pride.

God is not looking for us to get less excited about Jesus! He doesn’t rebuke Mary. He could have said, yes, that was too much. That would have been easier for everyone. He rebukes those who rebuke Mary. He is thrilled about what Mary has done.

What caught His attention?

1. Her action went beyond reason – It wasn’t unreasonable. There was a good reason for it, it just went beyond reason. There are many great biographies of those who have gone “beyond reason” for Christ. Consider John Gibson Paton who lost five children and his wife on the mission field.

2. Her action was completely unselfish – Mark 14:6 says it is “to me”. Mark 14:7 says it is “for me”. Nothing kills love like self.

3. Her actions were unreserved – She is like the widow who gave two coins. Mary could have just given a drop and it would have been good.

We don’t want to be known as “not hating Jesus”. We must cultivate a love for Jesus.

We must know God and how He feels about us. We must believe what we know about God. We must act on what we know and believe. This is what Mary did. The whole Christian life follows this pattern – know, believe and act.

Jesus clearly taught that loving Him in a way that is beyond reason, beyond fear, unreserved, and unselfish is the right response to Him. In order to cultivate this kind of real love for Jesus, we must know why He is valuable, choose to believe that He is valuable, act upon what we know and believe, and then rest in the fact that responding this way is the best of all possible things to do. Pray that God will give you a love for Jesus that is beyond reason and fear – a love that is unreserved and wholly unselfish. Don’t be afraid to act in a way that is beyond reason.

NOTE: These are my notes, taken as I listened to the sermon live. Any errors, misunderstandings or misinterpretations are my responsibility entirely and not the fault of the preacher.

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