Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sermon Notes - Jesus, the Warrior Messiah

Jesus, the Warrior Messiah, Revelation 19:11-16
Dr. Steven Smith (Guest Speaker), MacArthur Boulevard Baptist Church, attended February 28, 2010

We need to read Revelation 19 through the lens of Psalm 2. The Jewish nation lived for the redeemer Messiah of Psalm 2.

Psalm 2:2 shows the armies gathering together against the Messiah and in Psalm 2:9 we see God giving Him victory in battle.

When Jesus comes to Jerusalem He doesn’t seem to be the same sort of Messiah promised in Psalm 2. He is humble. He pays taxes to Rome. He dies! He does come back but then He disappears.

This letter from John titled “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” seems to be closer to the Messiah revealed in Psalm 2. They thought the “warrior” Messiah was gone. This letter changes things. God has not forgotten the prophecies.

Revelation 19:11

Who is this? He is called “Faithful and True”. He is the one from Revelation 1:5. He is on a war horse.

Revelation 19:12

“…like a flame of fire…” - The idea here is not a “physicality” but of omniscience, having all knowledge.

“…many diadems…” – Crowns representing He has all authority.

“…He has a name written that no one knows but himself.” – In Revelation 3:12 He is given a new name. Makes us think of Philippians 2:9. In this culture knowing a person’s name gives him the right to judge.

So He sees all things, He has all authority, and He has a name so He can exercise right judgement.

Revelation 19:13

“…The Word of God.” – John 1:1

“…dipped in blood…” – This is not His blood. The judgment is so severe that someone else’s blood is on Him. If you aren’t covered in His blood, He will be covered in yours. His enemies will be judged.

We have many “images” of Jesus that we think of. We see Him in Bethlehem as a baby. We see Him in Galilee as a “hippie” Jesus. We see Him at Calvary as the “whipped” Jesus. All of these are outdated. He is not a baby, a Jewish peasant, or hanging on a cross. Now He is a warrior!

Revelation 19:14

“…arrayed in fine linen…” - From Revelation 19:8 we see that these are the church. Everybody in front of them is damned.

Revelation 19:15

This is a picture of victory so pronounced that the enemies blood flows like wine. (Isaiah 63:1-19)

“…with a rod of iron…” – This is almost a direct quote from Psalm 2:9. The difference is between the words “break” and “rule”. The idea is total, complete, unilateral domination. Not to fight but to judge. The Greek word for “rule” is similar to “shepherd”. The shepherd used an iron staff for beating wolves, not a wooden staff for leading the sheep. To be a good shepherd for the sheep you must be a bad shepherd for the wolves. There are many references to Jesus as a shepherd including Matthew 9:36 and Matthew 26:31.

The 19th chapter of Revelation ends with no battle. It just says, “…the rest were killed.” It ends rather anticlimactically. Jesus’ robe is in blood, ours is white. We aren’t there to fight but watch. Jesus executes the judgment we can’t and shouldn’t do. Psalm 2:10-12 tells us we shouldn’t because we should fear Him and trust Him – alone. I should fear Christ alone. There is no one or nothing that should cause me to emote fear – everything is subject to Christ!

This is a message to unbelievers. It is in vogue now to be against what Christ is for. He will bring justice. We shouldn’t lash out at them but beg them to fear Him alone. Repent of self-consciousness about being a Christian in this culture. Christ’s ultimate domination means that I do not fear the lost culture; I pity the culture and weep for them.

It is also a message to the goats among the sheep, the tares amongst the wheat who have no love for God or His Word. Those who have a cynical spirit with no trust and no love for lost people. Jesus is the warrior Messiah, fear Him alone and come to Him as the Good Shepherd before you meet Him as the bad shepherd. Christ will defend His bride one day.

Where are you not trusting Him? Are you not trusting Him with your finances, your circumstances, your church? Trust Him alone. Fearing Him alone and trusting Him alone are the only responses to the exalted Christ. No one else deserves my complete confidence.

“Did we in our own strength confide,
our striving would be losing,
were not the right man on our side,
the man of God's own choosing.
Dost ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus, it is he;
Lord Sabaoth, his name,
from age to age the same,
and he must win the battle.”

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”, Martin Luther

NOTE: These are my notes, taken as I listened to the sermon live. Any errors, misunderstandings or misinterpretations are my responsibility entirely and not the fault of the preacher.

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