Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sermon Notes - Jesus: The One with All the Answers

Jesus: The One with All the Answers, Mark 12:13-34
J. Josh Smith, MacArthur Boulevard Baptist Church, attended January 17, 2010

“What is truth?” - Pontius Pilate

“To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true.” - Aristotle

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” - Jesus Christ

Three views of truth. A cynical one that discourages us. A philosophical one that confuses us. Only Jesus gives us hope.

The religious leaders have a lot of great questions but no good answers. When you are tired of the philosophers and the cynics, Jesus always has the answer. The answers, although important, are not the ultimate thing however.

1. He has all the answers to our ethical questions – Mark 12:13-17

They begin by “buttering” Him up. It is all good and true though. They have no idea how profound their “buttering up” is. They then ask the question in Mark 12:14-15.

The Jews were living under the authority of the Romans and wanted their own nation. There were three main factions. Zealots – wanted to overthrow the government and never pay taxes. Sadducees – were not happy with the government but paid the tax anyway. Herodians – said the Romans were right to have the authority and paid the tax willingly.

His answer will either get Him in theological or political trouble and the leaders knew this. Jesus’ answer could have freed us from any allegiance to the governing authority but it didn’t. The human authority is a God ordained authority and we live under it and thus must submit. It is a valid authority and we have a responsibility before God to submit. (Romans 13) The way we submit to governmental authority says something about how we respond to God’s authority. Christians, of all people, should be law-abiding citizens. The only time we don’t have to submit is when we are asked to disobey a commandment of God or we are asked to do something immoral.

We give to God the things that are God’s. His likeness is upon you so give it to Him. Submit fully to Him.

2. He has the answer to our spiritual questions – Mark 12:18-27

They don’t believe in a resurrection or afterlife so trying to trap Him. They don’t understand the scripture as it clearly teaches of an afterlife. They also don’t understand the power of God in that they don’t think He can take care of this problem.

We can’t understand life in heaven by looking at life on earth – Saying we understand heaven is like saying, “I can’t swim underwater so fish don’t exist.” It is a category mistake. In our society marriage is the pinnacle of love and commitment. In heaven He is the pinnacle.

Everyone who dies will rise again – He is very sarcastic here, “Have you never read about the burning bush? How can I be a God of dead people? They haven’t died, they are still living (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), so I am their God.” How could He fulfill promises to them unless they are resurrected? We often commit the same error by thinking we make things non-existent by thinking they don’t exist.

3. He has the answer to our relational questions – Mark 12:28-34

There is a distinction between this man and the others because he is asking sincerely. Jesus responds to those who humbly ask.

He brings these two commands together and says they are inseparable. You can’t love God and not love other people.

Four things about Biblical love:

Biblical love is always relational – can’t love Him without first having a relationship with Him through Jesus. It says love your God, which implies a relationship. We don’t read the Bible to get more knowledge. We read the Bible to know God better..

Biblical love is all consuming – It involves our heart thus our affections and desires. It involves our mind. Nothing kills Christianity like vague thinking. It involves our strength, thus our energy. Love Jesus with everything you have in the fullest possible way. Obedience to all other commands without loving God is of no use.

Love God with your mind by making your thoughts about Him. Read your Bible and think often of Him. Love God with your strength by using your strength to serve Him and be actively involved in advancing His kingdom.

Biblical love is selfless - By our very nature we are selfish people. We are love others more than we love ourselves. You can’t love God and others truly unless you are done with yourself.

Biblical love is vertical and horizontal – He had to give two commands. Loving other people is a test of loving God. If you aren’t kind and affectionate to your spouse you don’t love God. If you hate another then you don’t love God.

Do not be deceived into thinking you can love God without loving those closest to you. Ask God to give you supernatural and heartfelt love for those around you.

Mark 12:34 – He says you aren’t far from the kingdom, which means He isn’t in the kingdom. Answers are not the ultimate. You may have all the answers but not be a part of the kingdom of God. You certainly don’t want it to be said that you aren’t far from the kingdom. He should have come and asked for mercy, instead of an answer.

Better than the answers is payment for sin. It isn’t that you have all your questions answered but that you have saving faith in God.

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