Monday, November 16, 2009

The Greatest Threat to Christianity - A Low View of Theology

A low view of theology – A low view of Scripture leads to a low view of theology. From David Martyn Lloyd-Jones;

"Precise thinking, and definition, and dogma have been at a serious discount. The whole emphasis has been placed upon religion as a power which can do things for us and which can make us happy. The emotional and feeling side of religion has been over-emphasized at the expense of the intellectual. Far too often people have thought of the Christian religion merely as something which gives a constant series of miraculous deliverances from all sorts and kinds of ills.... The impression has often been given that we have but to ask God for whatever we may chance to need and we shall be satisfied.... We have been so intent upon ourselves and our moods and feelings and inward states, that when we are confronted by an external problem that nevertheless affects us profoundly, we do not know how to think or where to begin…”

This is so endemic throughout the church. Principles, correct though they may be, taught without reference to Scripture. You may have the principle down but when the cancer strikes if you don’t have the foundation from where it came, where do you turn? This is the importance of theology.

In talking of the letter to the Hebrews, Richard Phillips says,

“The recipients of this letter were like many Christians today who think that theology is a waste of time. What difference does it make, people ask, whether God is a Trinity or not, whether Christ’s righteousness comes by imputation or infusion, and whether regeneration comes before faith or after? What is important, they say, is that we get along with each other. Then they cite passages commending a childlike faith, as if that were the same thing as a childish faith, that is, one that is indifferent to or ignorant of the Word of God.”

Doctrine is not taught because it might be off-putting to the lost. Teaching on the doctrine of sin and hell is offensive. We can teach that later, after they are saved, so they say. Later never comes.

John MacArthur says it best;

“Some say that doctrine divides. That's true! If you set aside biblical truth and remain silent for fear of offending people, opposition will disappear, but so will some other things like truth, holiness, and God Himself.”

“For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” 2 Timothy 4:3

Next week: A low view of church

Previous posts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6

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