Saturday, October 4, 2008

Temporary Insanity (on my part)

What have I gotten myself into? I read this article a few weeks back and then found this response shortly thereafter. This is not a comment on Lynne Spears, I'm sure she is a very nice lady, but I abhor our culture’s obsession with celebrity. I couldn’t tell you who the latest “American Idol” winner is and, frankly, just don’t care. I suppose that sounds very elitist and arrogant. It probably is but truly, all of us, including me, are “followers at heart” so I shouldn't be surprised with our celebrity obsession. Challies notes:

"We, as humans, are naturally followers. There is something in us, and something that I think precedes the Fall, that precedes our sinful natures. Whatever this is causes us to want to follow others. Foster writes, "we are all followers at heart. We praise and preach leadership, but we practice followership. Consciously or not, we constantly seek someone beyond ourselves to tell us when and how high to jump. Better that we relinquish ourselves to someone worthy of adulation and veneration than to the many charlatans and demagogues who prey on us." Christians are not exempt from this and constantly seek others to emulate. The Bible does not appear to frown on this, but anticipates it, expects it. I think of the admonition of Solomon that "Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm." I think of Paul exhorting the Corinthians to "be imitators of me." I think of the lofty moral requirements of those who are to be leaders in the church. Truly we all seek to follow, even those who also seek to lead."

So maybe that explains why, after reading the article, and response, about the new book from Britney Spears' mother I decided to take the bait. In order to get the free book a commitment to post a review on my blog was required. I requested the book. I don’t know what got into me but here I am. The book arrived yesterday and a quick perusal has me thinking that there must be something to temporary insanity. Nevertheless, I have made a commitment and will follow through. Look for the review in a week or so. I know you can hardly wait.

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